In exactly one week from today for six days I will be able to:
Feel the warmth of the sun instead of the warmth of my radiator
Wear tank tops instead of fucking sweaters
Wear flip flops instead of fucking boots
Drink my morning coffee on the beach instead of my couch
Have cocktail hour outside instead of in my kitchen
Experience fresh air instead of forced heat
Feel loose instead of tight
Run on the beach instead of the pavement
Breathe instead of shiver
Drink, eat and drink instead of drink- cook and then eat... and drink
Experience instead of react
Write instead of blog
Relax instead of work
Wear my bandanna instead of my wool scull cap
Feel the warmth of the sun instead of the warmth of my radiator
Wear tank tops instead of fucking sweaters
Wear flip flops instead of fucking boots
Drink my morning coffee on the beach instead of my couch
Have cocktail hour outside instead of in my kitchen
Experience fresh air instead of forced heat
Feel loose instead of tight
Run on the beach instead of the pavement
Breathe instead of shiver
Drink, eat and drink instead of drink- cook and then eat... and drink
Experience instead of react
Write instead of blog
Relax instead of work
Wear my bandanna instead of my wool scull cap
Watch the day turn into night instead of waiting for the day to turn into night and
Feel inspired instead of tired
Next week at this time I'll be in the Bahamas... phew, bring it on.