Friday, April 07, 2006

Kick back and relax

The other day I was noticing that most of my posts are long and I actually apologized for it in one of them. My apology stems from my own dislike for other people's long posts and my inability to stay with the words long enough to grasp the meaning- if there is one. I have a short attention span, sometimes taking it as far as to say I have adult A.D.D. I don't, but at times it comes in handy to say I do.

It's funny, not funny ha ha, but ironic funny that I really like the idea of someone sitting with one of my posts maybe long enough to enjoy a glass of wine or at least a meaningful moment in time. That idea is very enticing to me and I need to thank earth monkey for throwing it my way. she commented on my apology and said that she doesn't mind the length of my posts, she just plans on staying a little longer when she comes over. I liked the sound of that. I've always been a bit envious of the bloggers out there who can simply write one sentence or one thought or one conversation or mention one thing. Viewing the world in black and white with a little pink or green or blue thrown in amazes me because as zoe has noticed, I can be a bit intense and thought provoking when it comes to sharing my view and commenting on situations. I like when there's meaning to things, when it's not always as straightforward as what's right in front of our eyes. It's what I hated about the movie "Crash" and the same thing I loved in the movie "Brokeback Mountain". Anything that leaves me thinking and doesn't do the thinking for me- you know what I mean? Sometimes what it is, is just what it is and that's cool too, but if it's not I can't help but notice and point it out.

Anyway, when earth monkey said what she said I took the rest of the evening to sit with it. Literally, on the kitchen floor. Typically on Friday night C. Love and I like to keep it simple; no entertaining, no bar scene, no cooking, no buisness- just us. Usually it's pizza and beer and we'll see where that goes type of night, or in the case of last night it was pizza and wine. Something's working right when you can spend a good hour or so sitting on the kitchen floor with your partner drinking wine while discussing life and love- it's cool. So many times I feel like we're living out potential scenes in movies. Here's the scene: Small, old, that yellow type of dim lighting, colorful kitchen, a black and white checkerboard floor, little christmas lights hanging up, an adorable kitten rolling around, bottles of wine sitting everywhere, various interesting prints on the wall, my sexy girlfriend sitting on a stool... The conversation is about our future, about our dreams, about what we think and how we think it. Cool thoughts, words, visions and a feeling that something bigger is going on- some love thrown in... it's all good and it's just really a pizza and wine Friday night. That scene in the movie you'd remember because of how it made you feel, not because of a great Beth Orton song in the background or a certain line that was delivered.

We killed the wine, devoured the pizza and brought the party, conversation and love to the couch. I was thinking about this blog of mine and what earth monkey led me to imagine. I think it would be cool if I had a blog that was considered a place to go to when people wanted to kick back and just be. Read, laugh, think, maybe get angry, get confused, feel warm, feel safe, and take their sweet time doing it. I like thinking of potentially being that go to place where people can get some down time. I'm all for the down time. That's one reason I like baseball, the game is so long and sloooow. Sometimes it feels as though my mind is on cruise control and when people are talking to me I can see their lips moving and maybe catch a couple of words here and there but that's about it. I hate the fast talkers, fast walkers, loud voices and bright lights. Give me long, slow,quiet anything in the dark and I'm good...anything. On the flip side I love flipping through the channels on the T.V. and checking out blogs while doing it.

Once again all I really wanted to say in this post was a thank you to earth monkey for helping me to turn something that was bothersome into a positive thing, but if I can get you to come in, sit down, have a drink and relax, than cheers to that.


Kelly said...

Well, I think you've achieved what you want your blog to be. It is a place I go to find humor, big ideas and deep thoughts as well as discussion about the little things that make life meaningful.

The kind of evening you and C. Love had is my idea of the perfect evening, whether with a partner or with friends. When you can manage the conversational dance of hopes, dreams and the "what ifs" of life along with a simple pizza on the kitchen floor, you've got it all.

Keep thinking those deep thoughts as well as the silly ones and keep seeing the world as bursting with vibrant colors. :)

r.d. said...

Will do Kelly! Thanks for entering and re-entering my world. May there be a Fed Ex woman (a hot one) on your kitchen floor in your future!

Zoe said...

I like your long posts because they have always have a point, and one that can't be summd up in one sentence. I usually won't read a blog if the posts are long. But, most people just like to rammble on aimlessly about shit no one gives a crap about. And I'm with you, I lose intrest easily, especially if there doesn't seem to be a point anywhere in site.

I usually save your blog for last. I like to cogitate on them for a while before I comment.

Sounds like you had a lovely evening.

Oh, and I'd prefer it if my hot FedEx chick where on the butcher block.

r.d. said...

Who says the FedEx chick is yours zoe? Butcher block, floor...what's the difference anyway. Thanks for saving me for the end. I prefer it that way...

Zoe said...

There are plenty of FedEX chicks to go around.
And the butcher block is easier on the knees and a lot cleaner in my house, I'm just saying.

The Mad Hatter said...

I love having those heart to heart chats with fairy. They're the best! I always dremt of having that in a relationship, and thanks to her, I do now. Before, it was just wam-bam thank you mam, and move on to the next chick never giving myself time to catch a breath.

I have a thing for kitchen floors too ;-) tables and more that if I mentioned I'd get arrested by the blog police ;-0

P.S Whats this bout the fed ex chick? Is there one for me, Im willing to share ;-0

Fuck me I'd better shut up cos fairy reads your blog ....

Kelly said...

I'll take a hot woman no matter what her profession on the floor, in a chair, up against the fridge...

Here's hoping your intention manifests sooner rather than later, R.D.

The Mad Hatter said...

jesus Kel I love the way your thinking ;-0

R.D whats this bout intensions manifesting luva? R u being a naughty girl? Welcome to my club chick ;-0


Kelly said...

Mad Hatter,

I meant that I hope that R.D.'s intention for a hot Fed Ex woman on my kitchen floor comes true. ;)

The Mad Hatter said...

I hope so too sweetie, but I wish 2 fed ex chicks on your kitchen floor, and another on the table ;-0

Kelly said...

Remember, Mad Hatter, I'm not as young as you are. But, thank you for the sentiment. :)

The Mad Hatter said...

Kelly your as young as the chick your feeling ;-0

r.d. said...

Hey,hey, come on now. Everyone drink up and go home!

The Mad Hatter said...

Ahhhhhhhh just one more drink luv ...