Monday, May 08, 2006

Just one of many

This is just one situation that happened to a friend of mine on Sunday, and it's one that I really can't stand being in.

The event: A Bridal Shower
The time: Two o'clock in the afternoon
The place: Some strange building (not someone's house)
The weather: 75 and sunny
The alcohol: None
The music: None
The food:Too insignificant to mention
The crowd: All crazy women (family and strangers)
The entertainment: "Games" and gift opening

I felt her pain when she was telling me about it on Friday afternoon and then I felt excruciating pain again this morning when I asked her how it went. She said it sucked. We both agreed on Friday that the one good thing about these idiodic showers is the consumption of alcohol-the only thing, and she didn't even have that. I think after the second game I would have been crying because of the amount of pain I would have been in; I hate it soooooo much- it's kind of crazy.

O.k., I hate going to any type of shower:baby, bridal, engagement, wedding, whatever, they all fucking suck. The stupid games are just plain stupid and a waste of everyone's time. The fact that they take place on the weekends in the middle of the day is totally inconvenient. The gift opening in front of everyone should be abolished. They usually take place in the spring time on beautiful sunny days when the last place you want to be is indoors. I always wonder why I need to be there, and it should be against the law if you host a party of any kind and don't serve any alcohol.

I hate being in situations where I can't escape and a bridal shower is an excellent example of that -they suck. I'm glad it wasn't me on Sunday.


Zoe said...

I hate all of these events, and alcohol does not make them any more tollerable. I can't stand being around people being all fake and fake nice and talking about stupid insignificant shit I couldn't care less about. Why do women feel the need to subject other women to such a colossial waste of time and money?

Maggie said...


I used to have a sympathetic friend call me at the shower to say that I had an emergency that I absolutely had to get to. After a while, everyone had an "emergency". LOL

Kelly said...

I went to a lesbian bridal shower hoping that it would be different but it wasn't. There was no alcohol at this one either and the hostess adapted the games for a lesbian couple. So, instead of something to do with how many children they'd have, it was how many cats they'd have. (I wish I was joking.)

The oddest thing was that there were no lesbians there except the couple and me. Everyone else was like your straight old Aunt Tessie. I thought I was in an episode of "The Twilight Zone".

r.d. said...

You're right zoe, alcohol can't help with those issues. Unfortunately nothing can, but give me the alcohol anyway-

maggie, sucks being a woman sometimes huh? Nice friends you have

Man kelly, that sounds BRUTAL!! Shit,what a nightmare... (funny though)

Kelly said...

It was way too surreal. I felt like I was tripping without any chemical enhancements. Wow.

r.d. said...

I bet, hopefully never again.

SassyFemme said...

I don't like baby showers, feel out of place, but I love wedding showers!