Saturday, June 03, 2006

Running wild

Today on my run I had so many random thoughts I thought I'd put them here to get them out of my head.

1. I wondered if I wasn't myself and saw me running, if I would look twice. You know, check me out...

2. I feel guilty when I do notice people (women) checking me out because I'm imagining they are thinking wow, she must work out a lot. And I really don't, I'm just very lucky to have the body I do and am able to eat whatever the hell I want. If they only knew that I have a little belly, (beer) and I'm really kind of lazy.

3. I was thinking about zoe's last post about 'fate' and meeting her partner, B.P. Then my mind went to a comment someone made about it, sounding sweet and quirky. I find it cool hearing about that kind of stuff, especially when it's between two women and the universe obviously having a plan for them to hook up. That's not "cute" that's mind blowing.

4. I was thinking thank god it's finally June and in the same moment, shit, it's finally June. That means September is not to far away.

5. I click on soooo many blogs and can't stay focused on a lot of them- I just don't connect.

6. Why is it the one car that I want is over twenty years old. I want one of those old 1980's Toyota Land Cruisers. I always have, and still do.

7. Why does my Dad have a "home nurse"? I'm so relieved he's back home now, but he's not out of the woods yet.

8. I love being outside, I really don't like to run, but I love being in shape.

9. I can't stand the smell in a hospital; I can't stand being in a hospital...keep running...

10. I have a date tonight with C.Love. Yipee!

11. FUCK! tomorrow is sunday, then it's Monday...

12. Why the hell are there at least 3 babies, or small children (2-3 yrs) on the beach without pants on. One of them is running around naked. I don't get it, if the kid is in public PUT SOME CLOTHES ON IT! I don't want to see anyone running around with just a diaper on, it's gross.

13. That brought me to public pools-totally disgusting.

14. It's kind of cool outside. Cool as in chilly.

15. I wonder if anyone looked at C.Love's website today- she's so gifted at what she does, it's amazing. Check it out and pass along to anyone who you think could use it!

16. Here's my street, I'm hungry now.


Maggie said...

Ya know, I'm glad that someone else's brain goes a hundred miles an hour when they exercise.

And, from a size 12 that really has to work at it...have a Twinkie.

Zoe said...

You and I have so much in common, or at least in regaurds to this post. And my mind goes all over the place when I walk the girls.
1. I don't wonder, I know I'd check me out if I saw me running. Yep, I'm that vain about my body. I'm not proud of my vanity, that's just the way it is.
2. that's me exactly.
5. you better grab me in the first two sentences or I'm gone.
6. I have always wanted and old Land Cruiser, they are so freaking cool.
8. oh yeah, that's so me. I need to get off my ass and do something. At least you do run.
9. does anyone like the smell of hospitals?
10. love date night, hope you had a good time.
11. thanks for the reminder. Hate Mondays, makes me almost unable to enjoy my Sundays.
12. I don't get it either.
15. Nice website.

Kelly said...

I love your random thoughts, R.D. Like Zoe, I can identify with many of them.

I'm glad that your father is home and I'm sure he'll be back to his old self soon. I hope you had a great date night and C. Love's website looks great. I know that she'll have great success! :)

r.d. said...

maggie, yeh I never need my ipod to run with because I have enough going on in my head. Instead of a twinkie I had many beers...

Hey zoe, I hear ya. The date night was a great time. One of the places we went to was that kind of new (lesbian) wine bar in Andersonville. It was pretty cool and I was going to say you should check it out then I remembered you live to far away for that-

Thanks kelly, ya I'm glad my dad's home- that was rough. C.Love's happy with her site for now. It's from a template and in the future we want to create from scratch. This one just needed to get up. It was a lot of work and I'm glad it's done! I hope it brings in some buisness.

Giggles said...

Man that takes dedication to run like that...especially if you don't like it...can u rub some of that on me...the reason you cannot connect to some blogs is because your lives are not connecting in some way...Like I have met a lot of ppl that I just click because not only do they know how to express themselves they also are living a fragment of my life or goin through something that I have went through...sometimes if the shoes fit of course u gonna wear it...