An entire section of my town today is inundated with kids and all of their creative expressions in a street fair. Streets were blocked off, sidewalks littered with pencil drawings and four year olds in line at the coffee shop- it was just all too much. The only people interested in attending a kids art fair are people with kids. Unless I actually had a child (and I don't) who happens to have a drawing on display, or am a teacher required to attend, I find kids art fairs boring as hell.
I love kids- the way they think and speak and know, but as far as dealing with other people's kids I'm so not into it. And while we're on the subject of kids, let me add that I could care less about receiving baby pictures week after week of my friends newborn; hearing about their every noise, spit-up, nuance or milestone for weeks and months after that. One photo is enough. Other people's kids are like other people's dreams; I don't care to hear about them.
I am so with you on this! I don't think you sound insensitive at all. I think what other people are in to -having and raising childeren are commendable, however, it is not for everyone and should not be shoved on other people.
I live a relatively child-free existence and it suits me just fine. I don't have much patience for children or their parents, in most instances, and it's the rare child who I actually enjoy spending time with.
Sometimes I feel insensitive and mean, but I've always known that children weren't for me. I'm all for people who want children and who are capable of taking care of them properly.
I used to be one of you. But, then...yeah..I had a child. I won't bore you with the details of how it changes everything because frankly, it isn't for everyone. I was happy before I had Liv and I would have been happy without her. Hard to explain. It is just like you were happy before you met the love of your life, and although you know you would have had a happy life if you hadn't met her, you are just so glad that she is here.
I do try not to be TOO nauseatingly goopy in my blog, though. But..I mean, it goes all ways. No one really can love your child like you can. No one can really love your partner like you can, but sometimes you just want to share a bit of it.
You have to hit a happy medium. Just like no one REALLY wants to see your vacation pics, no one REALLY wants to see pics of your kid's ballet recital.
Thanks for taking sides t2, yeah- no shoving allowed.
I actually love hanging with kids kelly, they're so cool and real. It's just certain kid-like things are only meaningful to those with kids. It's hard to explain. I am attracted to kids whenever I'm around them because I seem to relate to them way more easier than adults. No issues with the little ones, you know?
Oh, don't get me wrong maria, I would love to have a child- it's just not that easy. You're fine with talking about liv in your blog. She sounds sweet and you're so lucky to have her, but you're right on; I'm not intersted in seeing pictures of her birthday party.
I'm with you r.d. I'm sure there are things about having kids that will change my life, but I will never feel like anyone else's life should revolve around my kid(s). And kid art, uh yeah. I don't get it. Don't get me wrong, when my neices and nephews make things for me, it's special to me because they made it for me, but other than that forget about it.
My sister-in-law once asked me why we insisted on naming our pets things their kids couldn't say. After I mentally counted to 10, she really pushes my buttons, I told her that our lives didn't revovle around her kids. Then I asked her why she didn't consult with us on baby names when they had their kids. I think she got the point.
When I was a child I produced art. Sometimes that art was on display in a fair. I won ribbons, certificates, recognition. The art continued, ultimately spit firing the desire and prompting the means to attend college.
I don't know if my mom expected anyone to care about her daughter's art. I think she's glad someone did.
But now, kid's fashion shows or beauty pageants...
Zoe, yeah- nieces and nephews don't count in all this, they can scribble whatever the hell they want and I'll love it. But believe me I'm not showing it to anyone else, there's no need. Yikes, that sister in law sounds nasty-sorry.
oh, don't get me started on beauty pageants only daughter. I could go on and on about JonBenet but I won't... I hear you though.
Oh I love all things children! There was a display of children's art in church last week, it just made me smile. The only time that kids really bug me is when they're running in a restaurant or grocery store. Then I have to restrain myself from just casually sticking my leg out to trip them (honest!). A couple of times I've slipped into "teacher mode" and told them in my teacher voice to stop running. They just look at me shocked. I love that!
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