Thursday, November 03, 2005

Going Home

Ten things I thought about on the way home from work…

1.I hate when people don’t use their blinkers
2.I hate when people don’t pull up to the farthest gas pump when it’s available while someone is pulling up right behind them.
3.I hate it when there are people in the (express) self check out aisle with their cart overflowing.
4.I hate it when people speak extremely loud to their friend or group of friends while in public.
5.Groups of teenagers.
6..What’s for dinner?
7..I don’t really need my sunglasses, but they are all I have to see with.
8..I hate when I need to wash my hands in a public restroom and there’s another women taking up the entire counter fixing her face.
9..I hate when I can hear the music coming from the car next to me.
10.I hate it when adults treat little kids like adults; as if they should understand.All that in fifteen minutes…

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