Sunday, February 12, 2006

Dazed and Confused

I feel like how my kitty looks: tired and dazed. And fuzzy.

I just found out that "Love Monkey" got cancelled. I loved that damn show. It wasn’t that it was a cancel all plans, stay at home great show- it was just entertaining. I used to work in the music business for a number of years so it was fun to watch a show about music. Good music.

Shit, I don’t get it. CBS sucks so I don’t think it should have been on that station to begin with; the only people who watch CBS are old folks and people obsessed with crime shows-whatever. But they didn’t even give Love Monkey a chance; it was only on like 4 times, what the hell! That young punk, Teddy Geiger was reason enough to keep the show on the air, that kid is fantastic. I don’t care if he’s twelve (he’s 17) because he sings like he’s living in the body of a 47 year old. The guy is intense and so way beyond his years it’s amazing. His timing is perfect since John Mayer is preoccupied with the blues scene we need another guy with a guitar and soft, intimate vocals. Teddy is as natural to the music scene as chocolate is to Valentines Day. Anyway my review of Teddy Geiger’s album will be posted on my other obsession next month.

So I guess the only reason I’ll tune into CBS will remain the same, because of Letterman. It upsets me when quality television doesn’t last and when I just can’t figure out why,like when "Felicity" went off the air- I don’t get it. On a totally different subject, I’m also a little confused today over long, puffy, winter coats. I’m sorry if I’m offending anyone out there but they really have never looked good on anyone; only make tall people look that much taller, heavy people heavier and frumpy people, well… sad. Plus unless you live in the arctic is it really necessary to cover your entire body with down? Although by the sound and sight of it SassyFemme seems like she might be able to use something like that these days. I Just don’t get long, puffy coats, I just don’t. And one last thing that’s bewildering me today is, where is the mad hatter? I’m starting to get worried because she hasn’t posted in over a week. Her mom’s sick so I’m just hoping it doesn’t have to do with that. I wish her well.

While I was trying to figure out the purpose of the puffy coat in the store today, I turned and noticed the first sign of spring: Sam Adams White Ale. It comes out before the summer brew- woo hoo!! That definately put a smile on my face. I'm done with winter.

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