Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Don't pull my string

Today at work my friends and I got onto a conversation about our favorite childhood toys. These were some of the more popular ones: colorforms, play kitchens, a "thumbelina" doll, transformers, plastic record players with those colored records, an easy bake oven, silly sand and shrinky dinks. The youngest in the group was 28 and the oldest was 41. The conversation was lighthearted and extremely humourous; the 28 year old guy is still obsessed with the one transformer he owned and the sticker book of his dreams which never made it into his little hands. Discussing childhood is a regular occurance for me; I think about it all the time, I've carried childlike traits into my adult world and can talk about it like it was an hour ago. I loved it and would go back in a second if I could. If you pull the string that's coming from thumbelina's back she'll cry - my string broke from too much pulling.

So the conversation today was very enjoyable to say the least, partly because it was just so damn fun to do on a Wednesday in February at two o'clock in the afternoon, but mostly because in that one moment I could feel everyones childish joy - even if their childhood was not necessarily joyful. It's kind of funny that it only took three posts on this so called "lesbian" blog to revert back to childhood. For the same reasons I stayed in my basement for hours listening to my records, I don't feel like I want any part of this "blogging" world for fear of not liking stuff I see out there. I remember feeling like this back in July, but told myself to use it as a tool. First of all, breaking into this world feels like being a new kid at recess, everyone's laughing, playing, making friends and knowingly ignoring others. Some kids are happy, some are sad, some sound confused or unsure of themselves and others are just so much into their own little playgroup to even realize the bell rang and it's time to head back inside.

I keep seeing the same blog on everyone's link list and I'm trying to figure out why. She's like the most popular chick in school. Just like old times, everyone always wants to be connected to the popular kid I guess. I feel pressure to post for fear of loosing any life line I may have created. My question is where the hell do these random people find the time to write as many words as they do? Maybe they don't watch T.V.?, have a job?. Maybe they don't have a life outside their own bedroom or a life inside their head that needs to get out of the bedroom. Who knows, but all I do know is that I don't have the time and I just can't keep up with the pace. Plus blogging feels somewhat empty to me at times.

It's been wonderful to make a mini connection to the mad hatter over there in London, she seems like such a wonderful, kind, soul- but I really have no idea. Maybe I'm just someone who needs that human connection. I don't like not being able to touch. I've also really enjoyed reading about other lesbians out there in the world, it's nice to know so many like the L Word for the same reasons I do. Who cares about the writing sometimes. I started this blog to complain, explain, and converse about and with other lesbians about issues surrounding us as a group. Help me out, because I know you're out there and now I know you can talk. If I was five again I'd hide in my basement, if I was 10, I'd play with the lonely kid on the swings, if I was twenty five I'd be the cool one walking by myself, but I'm no longer a kid and I'm trying to grow up.

If I had my easy bake oven I'd bake a cake and give it to my brother to devour. If I had my little thumbelina doll I'd pull her string, then hold her real close- almost sqish her, but instead I'll write. Or "blog".


The Mad Hatter said...

My dearest R.D,
Sweetie I am so honoured you mentioned my name in your blog, thank you darling.

I feel we have made a connection too. I know what you mean about this blogging world, although I am new to this (less than a week old)
I also have been thinking about giving up, what is the point of racking your brain to think what to write next, when no one bothers to check out what your saying, or even make a comment? Its like being the one at school that everyone ignores.

It seems to me that if you write rubbish, make fun of peoples day to day real life experiences, then you get more people commenting. I realised this yesterday with a blog I was stupidly following, I am discusted with what this person was laughing and joking about.

My girlfriend has a blog too, she opened it about 4 months ago. When she first opened it, the only comments she recieved were from me. So, after a while, I just cruised around the other blogs, mentioned her address, and hey presto, now she is one of the most well known blogs in the Turkish Blogging world.

Keep at it please R.D, you will get there in the end, we both will. Things just take time.

At least your getting things off your chest by writing them here, like a diary. You have a big fan in me, and of course your other half is a big supporter too :-)

Take care X

The Mad Hatter said...

hello R.D

This is my second comment but unfortunately the first wasn't sent as ur comments was just accepting the bloggers.I try to hide my blog as u know,that's why i can't link either of u,its really bothering me though..

Like my other half said,things take time,and both of u r doing really well in a short time.Don't quit,u'll have lots of followers in time,belive me.

by the way ur blog is good help to me,as i have no knowledge about this lesbian world,and i'd really like to converse like u said..

if u dont mind i'd recommend to open ur comments to everyone,thats why maybe u can't receive comment at the momemnt,thats how mine is working,even though some of the comments are from bloggers..

don't 4get its just the begining,we are following u with pleasure..good luck,love from fairy...mad hatters other half:)

r.d. said...

Cheers to you both! Not to worry. I've never been one to follow the crowd so why start now. ButI will continue with this because as always, I find a way around things. Thanks for the words

The Mad Hatter said...

Not following the crowd makes us the special chicks we are R.D


SassyFemme said...

When I read "Easy Bake Oven" I just got this huge grin on my face. I can remember getting one for Christmas as a little kid. I think it was one of my best gifts next to a bike around the same time frame.

Please keep writing, I'm just discovering your blog, don't have a lot of time to read and comment much right now, but enjoy what I've read so far.

Zoe said...

If you want people to read your blog, you have to comment on other blogs. I found your blog because you commented on sassefemme's blog. You don't just get readers overnight, it takes time. Soon you'll start getting all kinds of weird random hits from people doing google searches. Your blog seem sort of like a niche blog, so that will take time too.

By the way, we, my beloved and I, love The L Word. Though, I think it has pretty much sucked this season. But, I will keep watching cause I love Shane, oh and Carmen.

Kathryn said...

I second Zoe that you get readers by commenting (which is how I found you...)

Don't feel compelled to have to write every day; just write what you want. you'll find that your blogging will change some and evolve and you'll find a "blogging style" that works for you.

Re: Eminem...I know it's not very feminist of me to admit liking his music, but I identify with him on a much different, deeper level. It's kind of hard to explain, but I look at him and I see complete rawness and vulnerability expressed through iconic music and words. I wouldn't want to hang with the dude, but I do respect him as an artist and for his ability to say fuck off to anyone who doesn't like him.
I consider him the Madonna of his generation.
Plus, I feel very strongly about not censoring music of any sort, art is art is art and it isn't up to me to determine what art is appropriate.
**stepping off of my soapbox now.**
Nice to meet you!

Anonymous said...

My dearest R.D,

Sorry about not posting today (actually, by the time you get this, it will be tomorrow, so I mean sorry about not posting yesterday) God, Im confused now ;-)

Ma had a CT Scan so we spent the day in the hospital. What an exciting life I lead (HA-HA)
I promise I'll post something tomorrow (Saturday)

Take care darling

P.S Im honoured once again, I cant believe you read me first thing in the morning. How sweet :-)

And you have a cat? We are desperate for one. Ma actually agreed to it, which Im still in shock over. But its brill ;-)

Hope you enjoy your weekend X

r.d. said...

recovering straight girl: I'm sorry that you don't feel like you can say fuck off to anyone you wish and you choose to put Eminem on any sort of pedestal because he is able to. He does it because he's an ass hole "man", not because he's confident. There's a difference. I wouldn't even put the guy on top of my easy bake oven baby cake pedestal! But that's just me. Oh and just for the record, I'm not exactly a new born to the blogging world, I've been trying to figure it out for almost a year now. It's a strange world we live in... hence the new blog. Nice to meet you too

Anonymous said...

Have a good time tonight sweetie, and have a few drinks for me ;-)

Me and the other half are off out today, my uncle is looking after ma, so we have the day off.

Take care X

r.d. said...


Taradharma said...

RD, found you through Elizabeth and Emerald Pillow. I had a Thumbalina doll, too!! I'm 48, lesbian, mom, partner, blogger. I am new to blogging, and like you, I like connection. I'm a social kind of person. I enjoy your posts. Keep writing.