Wednesday, December 06, 2006

comfort control

There are tons of things we do in life to help ourselves feel better in a not so comfortable situation. For example, sometimes certain music may calm us down if we're driving alone in an unfamiliar environment. Or maybe we'll stick closely to our partner at a party for that extra moral support. I've been known to purposely arrive early and hang out for awhile when I'm headed into a situation that makes me feel nervous. I like to just sit and try to get in control.

Today I have to have my mammogram and I choose to have it here. The hospital has a whole little set up in the corner of the women's department; no one would even know it was there if they weren't looking for it. Who the fuck wants to go to a cold, nasty hospital and pay for parking to get their boobs squished. Not me. I like going where it doesn't feel so medical and severe and it smells good. This appoinment is not the most relaxing 15 minutes for most women especially if it may not be a 'routine' appointment. It's not that I enjoy going, but I don't really mind it when I go to this place, I want to thank someone but I don't who to thank.

I need a new shirt to complete my outfit for Saturday night- maybe I can find one after the squishing.


Middle Girl said...

No Way!!

Geez, my mammo and annual physical was a never-ending saga of...oh you don't want to hear all that.

Good luck with the squish & finding a kick ass shirt!

Anonymous said...

Heck yeah, man! Great place! WOW! Think they give out flu shots, too?
Good luck with all of it and take yourself out for a beer afterwards!

Anonymous said...

I like this idea. Better than the lab I went to a couple of months ago.

I'm with T2 about getting a beer afterwards.

Zoe said...

Well I know I'll be in the minority here, but I'd rather go to a lab to have it done. It just seems too weird for me to wrap my brain around, probably an OCD thing.

r.d. said...

Yes way only daughter! It was a breeze, but no luck with the shirt.

No flu shots t2, just the boob test. I finally had a beer from the 4 pack left in the fridge- finally.

Hell yeah kelly, much better than any lab... but that's just me... and zoe, I don't know, maybe when you have to do it (assuming you haven't) you'll know what I'm talking about. It's just like bringing the 'lab' to the women's department, so instead of looking at blood, sick people, weird machines and wheelchairs you get to look at sweaters, cosmetic ladies, crazed shoppers and Christmas decorations. It's the bomb!

Zoe said...

Generally speaking, I have much less anxiety about going to doctor's for lab test than I do going to a department store.

I've had to have one done. I had to have one for a diagnostic reasons though. So I would much rather have been at a medical complex than a department store if I had recieved some type of devistating news.

r.d. said...

Yeah, I hear you zoe. It's actually the only time I go into that particular Department store. Whatever makes someone feel better-that was my point anyway so cheers to "the lab".

Anonymous said...

Wow you guys are lucky, over here ladies cant have 'em til their over 50 years old.

I hope all is well hun and I know how much it hurts to be squished, I went with ma a few times ... I feel your squishing pain ... and yeah, go for a beer, or 2 ...

Kisses XxXxXxXxX

SassyFemme said...

I'm sorry, did you say something? I was a little distracted by that yummy looking chick at the top!

Actually, your post reminds me that I'm supposed to go get my first one done. I was supposed tohave done that a few months ago. I lost the slip about it. Delay tactic? Yeah, probably. I agree with Zoe, though, if I got bad news I'd rather be at a medical complex than a dept. store.

r.d. said...

Hey mad hatter, that's odd- the 50 yr old thing. And sassy, I know what you guys mean about the bad news, I'm just saying for a regular screening it's a hell of a lot better to go somewhere pleasant than not. I don't think in bad news terms but I hear you.