Sunday, July 30, 2006

Here goes...

Being 'tagged' feels like when I used to receive those awful chain letters in the mail. But unlike being tagged on blogs, being the recipient of a chain letter used to scare me half to death, made me angry as hell and left me feeling 'empty'. Needless to say I have been tagged, and since it's from fairyland I can't walk away and pretend I never received it- the angels might get me.

When did I start blogging and why?

I started blogging on June 7, 2005. My first post was a music review of Coldplay's album, "X and Y". I think I started blogging because I was looking for a 'tool' to help me to write on a regular basis. Nothing else was working.

What don't I write about?

Well, I don't have any interest in writing about things that don't resonate with me at all. Even if it's stupid but it interests me in some way I'll blog about it, but I won't just write a post just to get something out there. Same goes for the comments, I won't ever comment on someone elses just for comment sake. I have to relate in some way in order for me to respond. I hate writing about politics, what my cat did yesterday or how many times per week I've had sex- and how it felt...

Am I and my blogging persona the same person?

Yes. And no. Mostly yes. I may be a little 'louder', harsher and more fearless on my blogg. Not so much in real life, unless I'm provoked...

How do I use blogging to build friendships?

I'm not sure that's what I'm doing because sometimes this doesn't feel real. Even though I know it is.

How do I describe my blogging style?

I don't know, I just write whatever hits hard in my gut, my mind, my eyes or my heart.

I am not going to pass this along to anyone specific because I don't like putting anyone on the spot, but let me know if you want to be touched and I'll be happy to 'tag' you.


The Mad Hatter said...

Or even worse, the mad hatter will come and get you, the source of all evil ;-0

Coldpalys "X and Y" is a brill album, I love it.

Glad you started blogging luv, how would we have ever met overwise :-)


The Mad Hatter said...

Shite, I cant even spell ;-(

r.d. said...

So fairy tells us you are just like 'Shane'... ahhh, I'll need a photo and an interaction to be the judge of that- you name the place.

Not to worry about the spelling. I can't spell to save my life and my spell check is busted! You were my first comment by the way...

The Mad Hatter said...

"Like" her, I dont look like her, but character wise and womenising wise, its me for definate ;-)

We'll be heading over to your neck of the woods in a few months or early next year so you'll get to judge me for yourself hun ;-0


Fairy said...

thanks for accepting the tag...i hate these forwarded mails too..but i love being tagged,and sharing more about myself with people..

r.d. said...

ok mh, ok... it's no problem fairy. Anything for you two-

jojo said...

thanks for coming at us fearless and speaking from gut. i like that. complete unpretentiousness (... is that a word?) anyhow you get the drift. thanks for sharing.