Wednesday, March 22, 2006

California Dreaming

I don’t know if it’s a sign or not- probably not, but 8 out of 10 bloggers I click on are from California. What’s the deal? We’ve been thinking lately about the potential of relocating to sunny California and after freezing my ass off on my run yesterday the thought became more of a stream of consciousness than a passing thought. I can’t quite shake it.

This weather just sucks big time. Today the high is 42, with no warm up in sight. I hate the cold; I hate winter coats, sweaters, gloves, runny noses, forced heat, keeping my windows closed and eating soup. I’m sick of oatmeal and soup, but they warm the belly, so I swallow it- so does red wine and I’m even tired of that. Bring on the summer brews, flip flops and tank tops. I grew up in Boston where my dad made all the money so I had no worries, I now live in Evanston, IL where it’s not the most affordable city to live in and I’m thinking about California?….I know that place is anything but cheap. I’m doomed.

For those of you who know; correct me if I'm wrong but the draw to CA is the abundance of mouth watering fruits and healthy food, sunny days that are actually warm, an energy permeating the air that is filled with contentment, and a lightheartedness that for some bizarre reason is hard to pin point. I’m not going to be able to walk around coatless for probably another two full months, and even then I can’t go anywhere without some sort of second layer because of the air conditioning. I absolutely hate air conditioning; we only own one because of our dog (he’s since passed) the little guy needed a place to stay cool during those rare Midwest heat waves- you know?

The only reason we live in Chicago is because my girlfriend went to Northwestern grad school and when I came out from Boston to visit we kind of both fell in love with Evanston, IL. It’s a very cool city and it’s pretty much the only reason we stay here. Well, I shouldn’t say the sole reason; both of our families are back in Beantown and the distance from all of them excluding the niece and nephews is wonderful. We tend to revert back to feeling like we’re seven when we are near our families and it sucks. The weather out here is the same as the Northeast, it may even be better because of the lack of snow Chicago has gotten lately. The problem is that winter lingers on into May and picks up again in October, what kind of life is this? It’s a sucky one I tell ya-

We have some family in San Fran and both of us have careers we can pack up and move with; C. Love’s coaching practice is all done over the phone and I don’t have a career just yet-I’m struggling towards it. (The writing thing) Folks in the Midwest aren’t as open to change as much as Californians are so it seems like a logical move for the business and hell I can write anywhere and am always more inspired when I’m near the ocean so why not. Because it’s a big move.

Give me hot, humid ,sunny days and warm sultry nights, a couple of summer brews, a grill, a porch or deck, some good tunes, a day off (or not) and I’m good. Give me snow on March 24th and I’m not good. Maybe our dream will become a reality some day but for now I need to get my ass off the couch and go clean off and warm up my car.


Anonymous said...

Hi i'm brownie aka cassie i'm madhatter little cusin i think thats ur blog its so beautiful its so intersting i haven't read all of it but it favoulas i think see ya xxx

P.s cassie,10,again i love ur blog!!

jojo said...

Cali weather is great! San fran, bea-ooot! (hollywood glorifying - ewwww!) LA lacks much in the way of good food. If my other half was not a musician I'd be scooting towards SF... pronto! but yes, $ is ALWAYS a friggin issue...

r.d. said...

Thanks cassie! glad you stopped by

r.d. said...

Vegan Monkey, I honestly don't think San Fran is warm enough! Definately wouldn't be LA...

Zoe said...

The two places my beloved wants to live, Chicago and California. I wouldn't mind living in either place, but both are pretty expensive by compairson to where we live now. I just want a lake or an ocean, some good hiking, and a music venue, and I'll be good(as long as it isn't the south).

r.d. said...

I got the lake and many music venues but no hiking. Biking, but no hiking... Later

Kelly said...

You're right, San Francisco proper isn't warm enough. Although there are microclimates within the city as there are throughout the Bay Area which have vastly differing temperatures. For example, it can be sunny and beautiful in the Mission District while it's foggy out by the beach and they are minutes away from each other.

There are lots of places in the Bay Area for hiking and biking and the like. And r.d., you'd be among friends when the Sox come to play the A's over in Oakland. Red Sox nation is HUGE out here. We take over the Coliseum and it's like a home game at Fenway! And there's a New England sports bar in the city called "The Connecticut Yankee" filled with Sox, Pats, Bruins and Celtics memorabilia.

Be sure to let me know if you two are coming out to visit and/or move. :)

r.d. said...

Kelly, I'll meet you at that New England sports bar! Sounds great- you're killing me... I'm headed out running now and it's 40 degrees. Boo hoo

The Mad Hatter said...

Running hunny, just pop over here and use my treadmill, its brilliant ;-) Picture this (actully dont) my fairy runs in her undies, and man thats a sight for sore eyes first thing in the morning. Man I wake up and think I've died and gone to heaven ;-0


Kelly said...

Just to entice you further to head out this way, here's the sports bar's website: